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Titel Preis Dauer
Microsoft Licensing Pro by SoftwareONE Kurs: DTL-MLP01_e 990,00 EUR netto* 2 Tage
Licensing in virtualized Infrastructures (Practise with Office 365, M365 and Azure) – English Kurs: DTL-MOC55188_e 1.920,00 EUR netto* 3 Tage
Licensing Law - Legal Fundamentals Kurs: DTL25_e 1.220,00 EUR netto* 1 Tag
Strategic and operational license agreement management Kurs: DTL38_e 3.100,00 EUR netto* 2 Tage
Oracle Licensing Deep Dive Kurs: DTL44_e 1.650,00 EUR netto* 2 Tage
Microsoft Dynamics365 Licensing Professional Kurs: DTL54_e 1.220,00 EUR netto* 1 Tag
Global License Manager I Kurs: DTL57_e 3.730,00 EUR netto* 3 Tage
Global License Manager II Kurs: DTL58_e 3.100,00 EUR netto* 2 Tage
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