Oracle Licensing Deep Dive

Kurs: DTL44_e

  • Dauer:
    • 2 Tage


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Compliant and cost-effective licensing of Oracle products is a complex topic. With this course we help you to get a proper understanding of Oracle Technology licensing.

Learn more about the drastic change in Oracle Java licensing starting January 2023 and how you can deal with it.

We provide you the basic information about product licensing, contracts, metrics for you in an understandable form. So that you are able to answer the following questions with confidence:

- Are you 100% sure that your company is licensed correctly?

- Are you using the right Oracle product edition?
- Do you know what the Oracle license agreement says?

In addition, this course provides you with practical know how for measuring Oracle databases and Java as well as licensing knowledge for MySQL Virtual Box and Oracle Linux. Based on practical examples, you will be able to answer the following questions with confidence:

- Which Management Packs and database options are in use?
- Does the database edition used - match the license agreement?
- Are you able to discover license requirements and the optimization potential in your company?

Optimal licensing of Oracle software leads - in most of cases - to significant savings and minimization of risks.
Day 1

Licensing basics for the Oracle Technology Stack

Oracle contracts - interpretation
• Risks related to third party contracts
• Causes of incompliance and consequences
• Typical Oracle false licensing

Oracle products
• Oracle database products, options and management packs
• Oracle Middleware Licensing
• Java licenses and Java SE Universal subscription overview & Scenarios
• Java SE Universal Subscription assessment best practice – how to
• MySQL licensing
• Virtual Box licensing
Day 2

Infrastructure concepts
• Oracle licensing on hardware
• Oracle in virtualized environments
• Multi - hypervisor
• Storage and vLan
• Oracle in combination with VMware and other hypervisors
• Licensing in the cloud

Measurement of Oracle databases Theory and practical example Oracle audit
• What should be considered?
• How can I prepare?

The added value you can expect for yourself:
After attending the course, you will be able to understand Oracle licensing and identify optimization potential in your own company. In addition, you will be able to use Oracle board tools to measure and evaluate Oracle databases (including financially) and understand Oracle licensing of MySQL Virtual Box and Oracle Linux.
Persons responsible for the purchase of software licenses or persons responsible for software asset management / software license management in companies; IT employees. 
A simple technical understanding and basic knowledge of licensing law are required for this training.

Bringing a notebook for hands-on practice in a test environment is helpful but not required. 

If your training takes place in the Virtual Classroom, you will receive digital training materials via the Mimeo platform (included in the course price). These can be used online but also offline in the Mimeo environment (search/notes, etc.). If you would like printed training materials in addition to the digital materials, you can order them for € 74,-- net via the registration form.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send printed training materials to Switzerland and other non-EU countries for customs clearance reasons. For classroom training in Switzerland, we recommend that you bring an Internet-enabled device (such as a laptop or tablet).

All on-site training courses are generally provided with printed training documents (paper - included in the course price). If you would like to receive additional digital training material via Mimeo, you can order this at a price of € 24,-- net via the registration form.

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D–04329 Leipzig
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