Strategic and operational license agreement management

Kurs: DTL38_e

  • Dauer:
    • 2 Tage


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Choosing the right type of licence is of immense importance for the company in order to avoid both economic and legal risks. Knowing the legal principles of licensing law is therefore essential.

In order to create a solid foundation, especially with regard to the legal aspects of licensing, the course starts with introducing a strategic approach for preparing and signing optimized software licensce agreements. In particular, after defining the needs of companies, indications are given for the preparation of contract negotiations in order to influence the conclusion of license agreements to the licensee’s advantage
The second part of the course deals with the execution of license agreements in the context of operational license and contract management. In addition to legal aspects regarding the execution of such a contract, the focus is primarily on the organizational measures required for the execution of software license agreements in compliance with the contract.
Your added value
After the training, you will have a profound knowledge of software license agreements, the different licensing models and the particularities of cloud computing. You will be able to recognize the appropriate criteria for selecting suitable software license agreements and develop a decision matrix of recommended actions for the management board. You will learn about the German General Terms and Conditions Law and other important legal aspects at first hand. In negotiations, you as a licensee are thus on an equal footing with your negotiating partner!
1st day:

• Essential software license agreements - an overview
• Typical licensing models - an overview
• Criteria for selecting suitable software license agreements
• Harmonizing software license agreements
• Mergers & Acquisitions -Effects on software license agreements
• Initialization of software license agreements in a group
• Typical clauses of software license agreements
• Implementation of a negotiation team
• Preparation of contract negotiations
• Advice and known stumbling blocks

2nd day:

• Operational strategies to ensure license compliance
• Stakeholder analysis in the company
• Setting up license management in the company 
• Documentation management tools 
• Initialization of contract management in procurement
• Software license audits 
• Monitoring 
• Reporting
• Product portfolio and lifecycle management



The course is aimed at people who are or will be involved in the procurement of software and the management of such contracts as part of their job.
Good basic knowledge of IT and software licensing law as well as experience in handling contracts. 

If your training takes place in the Virtual Classroom, you will receive digital training materials via the Mimeo platform (included in the course price). These can be used online but also offline in the Mimeo environment (search/notes, etc.). If you would like printed training materials in addition to the digital materials, you can order them for € 74,-- net via the registration form.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send printed training materials to Switzerland and other non-EU countries for customs clearance reasons. For classroom training in Switzerland, we recommend that you bring an Internet-enabled device (such as a laptop or tablet).

All on-site training courses are generally provided with printed training documents (paper - included in the course price). If you would like to receive additional digital training material via Mimeo, you can order this at a price of € 24,-- net via the registration form.

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Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D–04329 Leipzig
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