Course list

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Title Price Duration
Adobe InDesign Grundlagen Course INC-AIdGL 1.149,00 EUR net* 3 days
Adobe Licensing Professional Course DTL03 1.220,00 EUR net* 1 day
Adobe After Effects für Fortgeschrittene Course INC-AAeF 1.529,00 EUR net* 3 days
Adobe After Effects Grundlagen Course INC-AAeGL 890,00 EUR net* 2 days
Adobe Illustrator für Fortgeschrittene Course INC-AAiF 890,00 EUR net* 2 days
AAiGL Adobe Illustrator Grundlagen Course INC-AAiGL 1.149,00 EUR net* 3 days
Adobe InDesign für Fortgeschrittene Course INC-AIdF 890,00 EUR net* 2 days
Adobe Premiere Pro für Fortgeschrittene Course INC-APrF 1.149,00 EUR net* 3 days
Adobe Premiere Pro Grundlagen Schulung Course INC-APrGL 990,00 EUR net* 2 days
Adobe Photoshop für Fortgeschrittene Course INC-APsF 890,00 EUR net* 2 days
APsGL Adobe Photoshop Grundlagen Course INC-APsGL 1.149,00 EUR net* 3 days
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