Microsoft Dynamics365 Licensing Professional

Course DTL54

  • Duration:
    • 1 day


Dates on request - if no dates are listed, please contact us to arrange an individual date by e-mail at or by phone on +49 341 2568-486.
The licensing law for Microsoft software is an extensive set of rules. Learn everything about the Dynamics365 licensing models in detail in the one-day training.

Do you know how Dynamics365 licensing works?
How up-to-date is my know-how?
Do you have ideas on how to optimise your Dynamics365 licensing?

In this course you will learn everything about the current licensing of Dynamics365 (CRM) and Dynamics365 (ERP). We will give you a comprehensive overview of all licensing models, products and optimal sourcing options.

In addition, this course provides you with practical know-how on user profiling and the administration of Dynamics users in your company.
In addition to the basics of Dynamics licensing, we will present many other topics, such as the expansion of cloud storage for Dynamics, details on the classification of your own employees in the Dynamics context and sources for finding reliable information on licensing.


Dynamics licensing basics
User profiling
Cross-application licensing
Team Members
Assigned/unassigned licences
External users
PowerApps / PowerAutomate in the Dynamics context
Special features of licence procurement

What added value (for you) can you expect?

Up-to-date licensing know-how for Microsoft Dynamics365.
Security also in licensing in complex scenarios.
Specific advice on your individual Dynamics licensing questions.
The course is aimed at persons responsible for software licence management in companies and IT purchasers.
For the Dynamics licensing training, we recommend attending a Microsoft Licensing Pro trainingin advance.
Basic knowledge of software procurement and licence management is an advantage.

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D-04329 Leipzig
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