Licence optimisation Microsoft volume licence agreements

Course DTL60

  • Duration:
    • 2 days


  • Implementation planned - places still available
  • Implementation - probability high - still places available
  • There are no more seats available. For many courses, it may still be possible to participate online, via virtual classroom.
  • Course times: As a rule, our seminars are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on day 1 and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on the following days. Changes are possible. The concrete seminar times you will find in the binding order confirmation.
08.05.2025 - 09.05.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 2920 EUR / Person
04.09.2025 - 05.09.2025 Cologne
  • 2920 EUR / Person
10.12.2025 - 12.12.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 2920 EUR / Person
19.03.2026 - 20.03.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 2920 EUR / Person
22.06.2026 - 23.06.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 2920 EUR / Person

Licence law for Microsoft software is extremely complex. In modern software asset management, however, compliance with licensing regulations should always be carried out in consideration of the optimum licensing economy.

This training aims precisely at this area of conflict between "compliance" and "economic efficiency" by, on the one hand, clearly breaking down the complexity of Microsoft licensing and, on the other hand, critically analysing the most important volume licences from an economic point of view and demonstrating enormous cost-saving potential.

In this two-day training course, you will not only learn about and apply the licence economics of the various server licence models - with potential savings of up to 80% - but also find out more about the economics of Software Assurance, how you can efficiently control and manage your true-up costs and discuss the limits of costly SAM tools when it comes to saving Microsoft licences.

In addition to on premises data centre licensing, this training also addresses the topic of "Cloud Economics" in detail - from "Bring-Your-Own-License" licensing models to the hybrid advantage and AzureArc.

Of course, there will also be a detailed analysis of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 Copilot, so that at the end of the two days you will have approaches with which you can evaluate the much-cited increase in productivity of these two online services.

In addition to theoretical approaches, you will also be introduced to concretely applicable models and practical examples of how you can significantly improve your company's own licensing situation and save a lot of money. You will receive a comprehensive commercial overview of the individual components of an enterprise agreement and how you can manage these dynamically and in a cost-optimised manner.

In addition, common myths about licences are debunked, which in the worst case can cost a company unnecessary money. But with the right knowledge about licences, you can make an important contribution to reducing licence costs.

After completing this training course, you will not only be a Microsoft licensing professional, but also a Microsoft "licence economist" who can be sure that you have calculated your licence costs in the best possible way.

  • Wrap-Up Basics of Microsoft Licensing

  • The annual topic: Managing licence extension costs in the group contract

  • The economics of server licensing and the "optimal" licence balance in a SAM tool

  • Fairly insured? Software Assurance profitability analysis

  • Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 Copilot from a 360-degree perspective: cost or productivity driver?

  • "Sustainable licence management": Enterprise Subscription Management

  • Cloud economics through "Bring-Your-Own-License" programmes

  • Shelfware Management: What do I do with licences I no longer need?

What added value (for yourself) can you expect?

  • Concrete approaches and methods for optimising your Microsoft licence costs, not only for your own data centre, but also in the cloud

  • Practical exercises to reduce licence costs by up to 80% by applying alternative licence models and special usage rights.

  • A critical examination of common SAM tools and their limitations in mapping cost-optimised Microsoft licensing.

  • Innovative approaches to better understand and evaluate the economic sense or nonsense of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 Copilot.

  • An unbundling of the complex provisions in order to be able to use the existing licences in third-party environments ("Bring-Your-Own-License").

The course is aimed at people responsible for IT budgets and software licence management in companies, IT purchasers and anyone who would like to avoid unnecessary licensing costs for their company.

We recommend that you attend one of our Microsoft Licence PRO Microsoft Licensing training courses in advance.

Basic knowledge of Microsoft licence terminology is an advantage

If your training course takes place in the virtual classroom, you will receive digital training documents via the Mimeo platform (included in the course price), which can be used online and offline in the Mimeo environment (search/notes, etc.). If you would like printed training documents in addition to the digital documents, you can order these for € 74,-- net via the registration form.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send printed training materials to Switzerland and other non-EU countries for customs reasons.

All classroom training courses are generally equipped with printed training materials (paper - included in the course price). If you would also like a digital training document via Mimeo, you can order this for € 24 net via the registration form.

For face-to-face courses, refreshments during breaks (drinks, pastries and lunch) are included in the course price.

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Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D-04329 Leipzig
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