Licensing in virtualised infrastructures (practice with Office 365, M365 and Azure)

Course DTL-MOC55188d

  • Duration:
    • 3 days


  • Implementation planned - places still available
  • Implementation - probability high - still places available
  • There are no more seats available. For many courses, it may still be possible to participate online, via virtual classroom.
  • Course times: As a rule, our seminars are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on day 1 and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on the following days. Changes are possible. The concrete seminar times you will find in the binding order confirmation.
20.05.2025 - 22.05.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1970 EUR / Person
22.09.2025 - 24.09.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1970 EUR / Person
01.12.2025 - 03.12.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1970 EUR / Person
03.03.2026 - 05.03.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 1970 EUR / Person
18.05.2026 - 20.05.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 1970 EUR / Person

Virtualisation and the cloud are on everyone's lips. Numerous manufacturers offer a wide range of solutions for virtualised infrastructures or hosted cloud platforms. Switching or connecting between these environments plays a particularly important role here. However, in addition to the technical considerations and possibilities of the various solutions, it is also important to keep an eye on correct licensing. This raises important questions such as:

  • What needs to be considered when using licences for virtual systems and what impact do technology changes and mixed operations have on my licensing?
  • Do I have the right licence for my virtualisation scenarios?
  • What do I need to consider if I want to "move to the cloud"?

In this 3-day training course, you will learn how to licence virtualised Microsoft environments in a legally compliant manner. One focus is on the current licensing metrics of Microsoft virtualisation products, cloud solutions and cloud services such as Office 365, Azure, etc. The focus is on common scenarios and numerous practical examples. We would be happy to discuss specific usage scenarios, including those from your company. In the area of cloud solutions and services, licence law knowledge is supported with practical exercises. Technical basics and licence management in the cloud portals are examined in more detail and tested in practice.

Day 1:

  • Module 1: Technical basics
  • Module 2: Basics of virtualisation and cloud
  • Module 3: Licensing of virtual server environments
  • Module 4: Licensing of Windows clients

You will apply what you have learnt in practical exercises.

Day 2:

  • Module 5: Licensing of Azure and Microsoft 365
  • Module 6: Technical basics for licensing and managing Office 365

With your test access, you can try out the scenarios live in the course in the Office 365 portal. You will also learn about the relationships and interactions between IT and licensing in Office 365.
A special feature of this day is that 2 trainers (a licence trainer and a technical trainer) are available and therefore licensing issues and technical aspects can be examined "stereo".

Day 3:

  • Module 7: Technical basics for licensing and managing Azure

With your test access, you will see how to make settings in the Azure portal and learn how to set up virtual machines in Azure, for example. Here, too, we look at the dependencies between technology and licensing.

Added value:

After attending this course, you will know the pitfalls of licensing scenarios in the areas of cloud, outsourcing and virtualisation. You will be able to navigate the cloud portals of Microsoft solutions with confidence and manage licences and services. You will also receive answers and suggested solutions for licensing in your cloud and virtualisation scenarios.

Your added value as a licence manager:

  • You will find your way around the portals better.
  • You will gain a better understanding of technical issues that have an impact on costs.
  • You will learn how to avoid receiving invoices that were not budgeted for.

Your added value as a technical manager:

  • Get an impression of how you can set up approval processes.
  • Recognise which changes have an impact on costs.
  • Find out what information the licence manager needs to ensure compliance.

Persons responsible for purchasing software licences or those responsible for software asset management / software licence management in companies; IT employees, IT professionals, IT managers, cloud and data centre administrators.

This course requires a technical understanding and basic knowledge of licensing law. We also recommend the knowledge of one of our Microsoft Licence Pro seminars as a basis

The training is conducted via Microsoft Teams. Overall, this course thrives on intensive exchange and practical application. Please make sure that you can participate in a Microsoft Teams session without restrictions. During the technical part of the training, we use websites such as *, *", * and * Please check in advance whether you can visit these sites. Some exercises require the use of a mobile phone.
Of course, you can also follow the course without actively participating in the exercises. However, for a more lasting learning experience, we recommend using the practical options.

If your training course takes place in the virtual classroom, you will receive digital training documents via the Mimeo platform (included in the course price), which can be used online and offline in the Mimeo environment (search/notes, etc.). If you would like printed training documents in addition to the digital documents, you can order these for € 74 net via the registration form.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send printed training materials to Switzerland and other non-EU countries for customs reasons.

All classroom training courses are generally equipped with printed training materials (paper - included in the course price). If you would also like a digital training document via Mimeo, you can order this for € 24 net via the registration form.

For face-to-face courses, refreshments during breaks (drinks, pastries and lunch) are included in the course price.

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Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D-04329 Leipzig
*The services of SoftwareONE Deutschland GmbH directly serving school and educational purposes are predominantly VAT-exempt according to § 4 No. 21 a) bb) UStG. Contact us - we are happy to help!