Day 1:
- Module 1: Technical basics
- Module 2: Basics of virtualisation and cloud
- Module 3: Licensing of virtual server environments
- Module 4: Licensing of Windows clients
You will apply what you have learnt in practical exercises.
Day 2:
- Module 5: Licensing of Azure and Microsoft 365
- Module 6: Technical basics for licensing and managing Office 365
With your test access, you can try out the scenarios live in the course in the Office 365 portal. You will also learn about the relationships and interactions between IT and licensing in Office 365.
A special feature of this day is that 2 trainers (a licence trainer and a technical trainer) are available and therefore licensing issues and technical aspects can be examined "stereo".
Day 3:
- Module 7: Technical basics for licensing and managing Azure
With your test access, you will see how to make settings in the Azure portal and learn how to set up virtual machines in Azure, for example. Here, too, we look at the dependencies between technology and licensing.
Added value:
After attending this course, you will know the pitfalls of licensing scenarios in the areas of cloud, outsourcing and virtualisation. You will be able to navigate the cloud portals of Microsoft solutions with confidence and manage licences and services. You will also receive answers and suggested solutions for licensing in your cloud and virtualisation scenarios.
Your added value as a licence manager:
- You will find your way around the portals better.
- You will gain a better understanding of technical issues that have an impact on costs.
- You will learn how to avoid receiving invoices that were not budgeted for.
Your added value as a technical manager:
- Get an impression of how you can set up approval processes.
- Recognise which changes have an impact on costs.
- Find out what information the licence manager needs to ensure compliance.