IT-Praxis: Transact SQL for administrators

Course PW29

  • Duration:
    • 3 days


  • Implementation planned - places still available
  • Implementation - probability high - still places available
  • There are no more seats available. For many courses, it may still be possible to participate online, via virtual classroom.
  • Course times: As a rule, our seminars are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on day 1 and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on the following days. Changes are possible. The concrete seminar times you will find in the binding order confirmation.
05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 2190 EUR / Person
01.09.2025 - 03.09.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 2190 EUR / Person
08.12.2025 - 10.12.2025 Leipzig
  • 2190 EUR / Person

The course teaches the basics of querying and changing data using the Transact-SQL query language, the Microsoft dialect of the standard SQL language. The basic knowledge from simple to more complex query formulations is taught. Data and tables from the system and database catalogues (i.e. the system tables) of the SQL Server system are primarily used for the examples, demonstrations and exercises. The internal management structure of the SQL Server internal catalogues is implicitly introduced and important sources of information in the day-to-day handling of SQL Server instances and databases are discussed.
The focus is on practical knowledge, helpful tips for everyday and non-everyday tasks and examples of efficient solutions.
The course serves to acquire practical knowledge and to exchange experiences. Manufacturer certification is not provided.

First steps in Transact SQL

  • Introduction to T-SQL - set-based data processing
  • Basic structure of the SELECT statement - First queries, logical sequence of operations

Simple SELECT queries

  • Column selection and aliases for columns and tables
  • Eliminating duplicates
  • Simple case expressions

Sorting and filtering data

  • Filtering data with different predicates
  • Sorting data and TOP expression
  • Working with NULL values (unknown values or empty fields)

Working with different data types

  • Introduction to data type classes and overview of data types
  • Working with string data, functions and the LIKE predicate
  • Working with date and time information, important date functions

Queries and linking multiple tables

  • The basics of JOINs
  • Formulating INNER and OUTER JOINs

Further build-in functions

  • Conversion functions
  • Logical functions
  • Functions for handling NULL values
  • Metadata functions and system functions

Grouping and aggregating data

  • Aggregate functions
  • GROUP BY clause
  • Filtering with HAVING

Formulating subqueries

  • Introduction to the different sub-query types
  • Independent subqueries
  • Correlating subqueries
  • EXISTS predicate
  • Table subqueries (derived tables)
  • UNION Operator

Modifying data

  • Inserting data - INSERT
  • Modifying data - UPDATE
  • Deleting data - DELETE
  • Temporary tables for storing intermediate results

Practical tips and examples for administrators

  • Presentation of some interesting tables, views and functions from the SQL Server system catalogue (master DB), the database catalogues (DB system tables) and the SQL agent database (MSDB)
  • Overview of dynamic management views (DMVs) and presentation of some helpful views for administrators
  • Generating scripts based on system table information for administrative tasks or migrations

If there is enough time:

Programming language elements of T-SQL (if time permits)

  • Working with variables
  • Programme flow
  • Structured error handling
  • Using CURSOR data sets for serial data processing

Creating database objects

Creating views (VIEWs)

  • Utilisation and creation of simple procedures

Administrators of MS SQL Server environments; IT and system managers; database developers; SQL Server power users

  • Basic knowledge of databases

This course serves to acquire practical knowledge and to exchange experiences. Manufacturer certification is not provided.

The course price includes

  • Break catering for face-to-face training: drinks, biscuits and lunch

We are also happy to organise this training as an in-house seminar. Ask for your individual offer.

The course is offered in German.

Contact us


Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D-04329 Leipzig
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