IT practice: PowerShell for administrators

Course PW27

  • Duration:
    • 5 days


  • Implementation planned - places still available
  • Implementation - probability high - still places available
  • There are no more seats available. For many courses, it may still be possible to participate online, via virtual classroom.
  • Course times: As a rule, our seminars are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on day 1 and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on the following days. Changes are possible. The concrete seminar times you will find in the binding order confirmation.
05.05.2025 - 09.05.2025 Leipzig
  • 3140 EUR / Person
25.08.2025 - 29.08.2025 Cologne
  • 3140 EUR / Person
06.10.2025 - 10.10.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 3140 EUR / Person
08.12.2025 - 12.12.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 3140 EUR / Person

Level: 200-300

This practical workshop provides participants with a basic understanding of the structure and functionalities of PowerShell, its techniques and scripting. Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core will be covered.

Exercises are used to test and consolidate the acquired knowledge. During the training, a manuscript of the jointly developed and applied techniques is created, which the participant can use as a "reference book" and decision-making aid for their everyday work.

This course serves to acquire practical knowledge and exchange experiences. A manufacturer certification is not provided.

Predecessor courses: MOC10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell and MOC55039 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell


  • Origin / Destination / Customisation of PowerShell
  • Comparison with command prompt
  • PowerShell and Windows PowerShell - why multiple versions?
  • Navigation in the PowerShell / Copy & Paste / Handling placeholders / Continuation mode
  • Technical requirements for PowerShell (Dotnet and WMI)

Syntax and help

  • General structure of commands
  • Finding / determining suitable commands for a specific scenario
  • The PowerShell help system

Aliases and functions

Precautions / Pipeline

  • WhatIf and Confirm
  • Function of the pipeline

Preparing and filtering data

  • Formatting in the PowerShell
  • Determining all the possibilities that a command or object offers
  • Sorting / exporting / grouping / measuring
  • Filtering data - suppressing unnecessary data (Select-Object, Where-Object, Out-GridView)

Modules, remote management, scripts

  • Modules (purpose, functionality, difference to "classic" scripts, create your own module as a tool collection)
  • Remote administration of computers
  • Execution policies for scripts (Execution Policies)
  • Integrated script editor ISE (operating concepts, breakpoints, loops)
  • Customisation of the PowerShell environment through profiles

Administrative tasks / variables / error handling

  • Jobs / Scheduled Jobs / Tasks
  • Drives in the PowerShell (PSDrives)
  • Editing the registry
  • Working with Active Directory
  • Group policies (overview only)
  • Events / Event logs
  • Searching and filtering content in files and in the event log
  • Variables, arrays, associative arrays, mathematical approaches
  • Error handling in scripts

Other techniques (some optional and depending on time available)

  • WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
  • Influence of user account control (UAC) on PowerShell
  • Comparing objects before and after (e.g. processes and text content)
  • Working with different login data (credentials)
  • Starting PowerShell without a profile or in a different version - e.g. in version 4.0
  • Define parameters yourself, extend them, make them binding, fill them with values in advance,...
  • Create your own help for a script
  • Global (available everywhere) functions, aliases, variables
  • Get detailed script output with "Write-Verbose"
  • Further script constructs such as If / Else, Foreach, For, Do / Until, Do / While, Switch
  • Signature of scripts
  • Incorporate pauses in scripts
  • Extend Powershell (e.g. for data export to Excel) with PowerShellGet and the PSGallery
  • Management of apps
  • Just Enough Administration (only the rights you need)
  • Break and Continue
  • Presentation: Management of Azure resources - the Azure Cloud Shell

IT professionals (e.g. system administrators & supporters) who are responsible for the administration, maintenance and troubleshooting of Windows servers and Windows clients (e.g. Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 or Windows 10 or Windows 11).

This workshop is also suitable for other areas where effective administration and automation are important. Examples here would be Microsoft Azure or Exchange.

  • Experience in the administration of Windows servers and/or Windows clients.
  • Basic knowledge of Active Directory and network technology terms is advantageous, but not a requirement.

This course serves to acquire practical knowledge and to exchange experiences. Manufacturer certification is not provided.

The course price includes

  • Breaks during classroom training: drinks, biscuits and lunch

The labs have been specially developed for this course by our trainers and our technical team.

We are also happy to organise this training as an in-house seminar. Ask for your individual offer.

The course is offered in German.

Contact us


Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D-04329 Leipzig
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