The challenge of a licence audit

Course DTL33

  • Duration:
    • 1 day


  • Implementation planned - places still available
  • Implementation - probability high - still places available
  • There are no more seats available. For many courses, it may still be possible to participate online, via virtual classroom.
  • Course times: As a rule, our seminars are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on day 1 and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on the following days. Changes are possible. The concrete seminar times you will find in the binding order confirmation.
05.05.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1220 EUR / Person
08.08.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1220 EUR / Person
01.12.2025 Virtual Classroom
  • 1220 EUR / Person
10.03.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 1220 EUR / Person
30.06.2026 Virtual Classroom
  • 1220 EUR / Person

Many people are familiar with the situation where you receive a letter from a software manufacturer, such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle ... with the announcement of a licence audit.

This situation can, but does not have to be unpleasant.
What important questions arise?

What is the basis for such audits?

  • What are the risks?
  • How can I best deal with this situation and how can I prepare myself?

These and other questions will be answered in the seminar.
Without exception, our trainers have many years of experience as SAM consultants. They will be happy to answer your individual questions and pass on their practical experience directly to you.

  • Basics for a licence audit / licence plausibility check
  • Legal basis
  • Manufacturer audits
    • Exemplary procedure for some large manufacturers (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Adobe, ...)
  • Realistic risk on the customer side
    • Risk assessment
    • How can you avoid this?
  • What exactly happens during an audit?
    • What steps, what results?
  • Strategies for dealing with an audit situation
  • Methods of audit prevention / audit preparation

What added value (for you) you can expect

A better understanding: What is behind a licence audit?

Realistically assess the risks of a licence audit for your company.

Experience on strategies for dealing with an audit, but also on strategies for optimising preparation for this situation.

Can an audit also be an opportunity?

Persons responsible for purchasing software licences or persons responsible for software asset management / software licence management in companies; IT employees.

Basic knowledge of software licensing and licence management is expected for this course.

If your training course takes place in the virtual classroom, you will receive digital training documents via the Mimeo platform (included in the course price), which can be used online and offline in the Mimeo environment (search/notes, etc.). If you would like printed training documents in addition to the digital documents, you can order these for € 74,-- net via the registration form.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send printed training materials to Switzerland and other non-EU countries for customs reasons.

All classroom training courses are generally equipped with printed training documents (paper - included in the course price). If you would like additional digital training material via Mimeo, you can order this for € 24 net via the registration form.

For face-to-face courses, refreshments during breaks (drinks, pastries and lunch) are included in the course price.

Contact us


Customer Training Solutions

Blochstraße 1
D-04329 Leipzig
*The services of SoftwareONE Deutschland GmbH directly serving school and educational purposes are predominantly VAT-exempt according to § 4 No. 21 a) bb) UStG. Contact us - we are happy to help!