Autodesk Licensing Professional

Course DTL41

  • Duration:
    • 1 day


Dates on request - if no dates are listed, please contact us to arrange an individual date by e-mail at or by phone on +49 341 2568-486.
A look into the world of licensing Autodesk products: the acquisition, administration, and technical pitfalls of licensing, up to the risk assessment of an audit.

Autodesk has become one of the largest CAD software manufacturers in the world. The products are highly priced and licensing is complex. Since the last few years, a lot has changed in the acquisition, licensing, contracts and handling of Autodesk products.

Autodesk is currently stepping up its audit activities. With the right of an audit by Autodesk within 15 days of notification, a strategy for handling Autodesk products in companies before purchase is essential.

The risk increases for the company with every installation.
And with every purchase, the risk of a bad investment increases.

But the new WEB administration portal also offers opportunities to save on investments.

The products and possible uses are complex and therefore naturally place high demands on licence management:
- Are you 100% sure that your company is correctly licensed?
- Are you already using all consolidation options
- Products have been discontinued and a 1:2 exchange can be offered. But is it of any use to you in the end? Alternatives?
- Have you ever been contacted by Autodesk for an audit?

Optimal licensing of Autodesk software leads to significant savings in the vast majority of cases and exposes your risk. As a training company for software licensing, we have taken on this topic and regularly offer a one-day training course on Autodesk - Licensing Professional. We will also take current changes into account.
- The basics
- Licensing models
- Product comparison: Collection versus individual products
- Forms of contract
- Licensing law and pitfalls. Practical tips on handling
- Discontinuation of multiuser licences: Analysis and alternatives.
- Process analysis:
From ordering to use, what can go wrong
- Possibilities of consolidation
- Audit case: What now?
- Do you know your risk?
- Handling the Autodesk WEB Portal
Persons responsible for the purchase of software licences or persons responsible for software asset management / software licence management in companies; application owners (person responsible for the product), user administrators, administrators, IT staff.
A simple technical understanding and basic knowledge of licensing law are required for this training.

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Alle Präsenztrainings sind generell mit gedruckten Schulungsunterlagen (Papier – im Kurspreis inkludiert) ausgestattet. Sofern Sie zusätzlich eine digitale Schulungsunterlage über Mimeo wünschen, können Sie diese zum Preis von € 24,-- netto über das Anmeldeformular bestellen.

Bei Präsenzkursen ist die Pausenversorgung (Getränke, Gebäck und ein Mittagessen) im Kurspreis inkludiert.


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